Scientific plant names derived from the surname of Pehr Forsskål

Scientific plant names derived from the surname of Pehr Forsskål

History, Orthography, and Legitimacy

Pehr Forsskål's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) is a seminal work documenting approximately 660 new species of plants, but its posthumous and flawed editing has led to significant nomenclatural challenges.

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Pehr Forsskål's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) is a seminal work documenting approximately 660 new species of plants, but its posthumous and flawed editing has led to significant nomenclatural challenges. To address these issues, later botanists sought to honor Forsskål by renaming many of his identified species with eponyms derived from his surname. However, non-Scandinavian scholars frequently struggled with the correct spelling of Forsskål's surname, leading to a proliferation of orthographic variations in these eponyms.

Scientific plant names derived from the surname of Pehr Forsskål - History, Orthography, and Legitimacy
Ib Friis & Mats Thulin
1. udgave 2025
ISBN: 9788773044674
Antal sider: 150
Pris: 250,00 kr.
Serie: Scientia Danica. Series B. Biologica nr. 12
Udgivelsesdato: 01-04-2025

Forlag: Videnskabernes Selskab
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